We can remove unwanted, fake, anonymous and negative 1-star reviews on DemandForce.com.
We can also get your entire DemandForce profile page taken down if you’d prefer to be removed from the platform altogether.
Our prices are affordable and results are guaranteed.
Please fill out the contact form on this page and let us know how we can help you.
- What is DemandForce?
- DemandForce Profile Page Removal
- How Do Reviews Get On DemandForce?
- How To Remove A Review From DemandForce?
- Summary
What Is DemandForce?
If you’ve gotten automated calls and text messages reminding you of an upcoming dental appointment, chances are it came from DemandForce.
DemandForce.com is customer and patient marketing and booking platform.
As of 2022, DemandForce serves the following professions:
- Auto
- Chiropractors
- Dentists
- Dermatologists
- Physicians
- Salon and spa owners
- Veterinarians
- Optometrists
The platform is meant to be an all-in-one spot for practitioners and auto dealers to manage, attract, and retain clients.
The website and companion mobile app both offer it’s customers a variety of communication tools including email, calls, and texting. Mass marketing through bulk text, postcards and telephone make the platform an indespensible way to reach your target audience.
DemandForce features on online reputation management portal to help attract and manage your online reviews and administer surveys from one place.
DemandForce Profile Page Removal
Since DemandForce is a subscription-based software service, you can simply end your subscription and request that your profile be permanently removed from the platform.
But what if you want to continue to use the booking and marketing aspects of DemandForce, but get rid of your profile page?
This is where we can help you by removing your DemandForce page.
You’d probably want to do this if you have an excessive number of bad reviews or just want to remain more anonymous online.
Customers who use the platform might see your page and think twice after seeing a number of bad reviews.
So, this is the main reason why you might want to have your profile deleted.
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How Do Reviews Get On DemandForce?
Unlike other review platforms like Yelp and Google that allow anyone with an account to publish a review of any business, the only way to write a review on DemandForce is if your are an actual client of the business.
When you fill out forms to become a new dental patient or complete a car buying experience, your contact information is entered into the portal. Together with booking management, this is how the portal knows how and when to contact you for appointment reminders.
It’s also triggered to request reviews after you’ve completed your appointment or transaction.
So, you can know in advance that any reviews appearing on DemandForce are from real customers. There is no way for Joe Public to leave a review, unless he is an actual customer of a business who subscribes to DemandForce.
How To Remove A Review From DemandForce?
According to DemandForce’s Review Policy, reviews may only be removed from the platform if it clearly violates their policy, as set out in an arbitrary set of review criteria.
To request that a review be removed, request removal through your subscriber user interface.
In general, you can only get a review removed from the platform if it is abusive, illegal, threatening, makes personal attacks or uses profanity.
Other violations of their review policy include:
- Privacy violations – mention of full names or posting of personal information in the review
- Review is not from a current customer, within the last 12 months
- Contains “material falsehoods or inaccuracies”
- Unrelated content, spam, or promotion
If the review on DemandForce is simply poor and you would like it gone, contact us. We can remove individual reviews from DemandForce.
DemandForce is an effective management tool that handles many of the everyday marketing and scheduling tasks for your business.
With all of your customer management in one easy user interface, it makes sense to become a DemandForce subscriber and allow the platform’s technology help you with some of your day-to-day administrative tasks.
The downside of DemandForce is your public facing profile that contains all of your business contact information and reviews that have been collected by the system.
In the event you’d like your profile page or individual reviews removed from DemandForce permanently, please contact us for help.
We’ll help you restore your online reputation at an affordable price.